Bookish Wrap Up | December

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Hello Readers,

Firstly, let me just apologise for the lateness in sharing my December 2022 Wrap Up with you all. I’ve had other things that have need my energy and sadly this little place has been a bit neglected ~ I’m still trying to figure out a nice balance of the things I want to do with the amount of energy I have and it’s such a struggle. I’m often reminded of the line in Little Women when someone tells Jo she should have been a Lawyer and her response is “I should have been a great many things!” Well I want to do a great many things but the limits imposed on me by my body make that difficult, so sometimes there are things I have to forgo at times. But I’m hoping I’m find that nice balance of a schedule at some point ~ send good vibes for that actually happening!

But anyways, let’s get back to December’s Wrap Up shall we? I was going to roll this into one with January’s but then I counted how many books I managed to read/listen to and well it was a lot! So I’m not going to go into detail about each book or my thoughts on them, this is going to be more of a list of what I read and then if there’s any books I want to share more about, I’ll write a dedicated review for it. I’m also going to start splitting the books up into Audiobook and Physical read catergories, just so everything is a bit more organised within these wrap ups.

Okay so here’s the 13 books I read/listened to in December 2022:


Here’s the 9 audiobooks I listened to, some of them I did follow along with the physical book, but as I mainly read them via the audiobook, I’ve placed them in this category:

Yes I finally finished War and Peace and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud of myself for reading a book. If I hadn’t had other books I needed or wanted to also read, I don’t think it would have taken me as long to get through but I started it at the end of August and finished it on the 24th of December. This year, my plan is to work my way through one of Tolstoy’s other books ~ Anna Karenina. For the most part I enjoyed all these books apart from A Court of Frost and Starlight and Mrs Dalloway just wasn’t really for me either.

Physical Books

Here are the books that I physical read during December; two of them are Manga and re-reads, one is graphic novel and the other made by Top Reads list of 2022…

A stack of four books. From top to bottom they are: ACNH Manga Vol 2, ACNH Manga Vol 3, Everything Is OK and Poster Girl. With the books is a fox shaped planter, a wooden toadstool and a copper pumpkin.

I enjoyed each one of these books; the ACNH Manga’s are just such fun, light reads that really help balance out all the heavier books I’d been reading over the last year. Everything Is OK is one of the most accurate representations of anxiety and Depression I’ve read, I highly recommend it whether you have those mental illnesses or know someone that does. Last but certainly not least, Poster Girl was one of my Top Reads of 2022 and I’m planning to write a full review on this one at some point in the future.

So those were all the books I read/listened to during December of last year. It was definitely a mix of genres along with books I loved and ones I didn’t love so much.

I think I’m going to stick with this more list style of article for my Wrap Ups and then as I said, if I want to share more about a book, I’ll write a full review. I also share my thoughts about the books I’ve reading during the month I’ve read them over on my Bookstagram, so if you want to keep more up-to-date with what I’m reading and what I think of the books I’ve read, then I’d recommend giving it a follow.

I’m hoping my January Wrap Up will be live by next week, so keep an eye for that to find out if I enjoyed my first “Blind Date” Book or not.

Stay Safe. Read a Book.

L x


Bookish Wrap Up | January


Blind Date With a Book | TBR Challenge